^ma 1 80 ^pl 0 ^ju ^sk0HP-41/TIMER CHIMES ^sk1Recently when my watch was away for repair for a while I found myself in need of a program to give me periodical alarms without any need for the alarms to be acknowledged. The ordinary timer alarms on the HP-41 do not repeat unless acknowledged. The following short program QTR gives a signal on each quarter-hour if it is set off by an interrupting control alarm programmed with the alpha message //QTR, the Z repeat interval 0.15 and the current date and starting time in Y and X, using XYZALM. Each signal consists of a number of BEEPs corresponding to the quarter, with four BEEPs for the full hour. At the same time the alpha register displays the clock time. The original program was rather unfriendly in that it cleared the whole of the stack and alpha registers, so that any program running on the quarter-hour got disrupted. This version preserves X, Y, Z and T but alters L and the alpha register, so quite a lot of programs will resume after the alarm without disruption. In order to start the sequence of chimes, a second interrupting control alarm can be set up (for example, with a 24-hour repeat interval to give early morning calls). This alarm actuates another short program that simply sets up alpha, Z, Y and X registers to start calling QTR as from the next following quarter (use the TIME function to read the clock, chop the result to the last quarter and add a quarter), executes XYZALM and quits. Those of us who haven't got a CX can only cancel these alarms from the catalogue unless someone goes to the effort of writing an SP routine to track down the alarm buffer and alter it directly. To save battery power the final RTN in the QTR program can be preceded by OFF, SF11. This brings any interrupted running program to a halt, but it will restart at next switch-on. ^sk1Terry Stancliffe