SPFNS1 - A Special Function File for the HP-41 written by Sherman Lowell, CHHU 26,HPX 27,HPCC 522,PPC-Paris 396, NE 1610 Upper Dr, Pullman, WA 99163, Tel 509-332-7512. The SPFNS1 HP-41 file contains several useful mathematical functions: the Gamma Function of x, which is a generalization to arbitrary real numbers of the built-in factorial function (x-1)!, the Psi Function of x, which is the derivative of Gamma(x), the Incomplete Gamma Function of parameter a and of x, the Exponential Integral Function of x, which is the special case a=0 of the Incomplete Gamma Function, the Exponential Integral Function of x of order n, which equals the Incomplete Gamma Function multiplied by x^(-a) with a=1-n, and, finally the Chi Square Probability Function of "chisquare" and n, also related to the Incomplete Gamma Function. More information about these and the functions defined in files SPFNS2 and ELFNCS can be found in the books: 1) J. Spanier and K. B. Oldham, "An Atlas of Functions," Harper & Row, New York, 1987; 2) M. Abramowitz and L. A. Stegun (eds.), "Handbook of Mathematical Functions," U. S. Government Printing Office, 1964 (also available as a reprint from Dover Publications, New York). All the functions in SPFNS1 work in any HP-41 without special modules. LBL"GAMX" and LBL"PSIX" do not use any numbered storage registers; LBL"IGAMXA", LBL"EINTX", LBL"EINTXN", and LBL"CSQXN" require SIZE 020. Variables are entered in the order in which they appear in the labels, e.g., GAMX expects x in the X-register and IGAMXA expects x in Y- and a in X-register. The result is returned in X-register and the value of x is in LASTX, like the built-in functions, though other stack registers are altered. The computational algorithms have been optimized for a combination of speed and accuracy. The maximum error of all functions is believed to be < 5.E-8. If the function value is + or - infinity, the algorithm returns 1.E99 without causing an overflow error. The advantage of this is that, when used as a subroutine, the large value in a denominator will allow the main routine to continue with negligible error. The algorithms used in SPFNS1 will be described in an article to appear in HPX or HPCC. If you encounter any problems with the routines, I would appreciate your reporting them to me. X<>Y