ELFNCS is a special function file for the HP-41 which requires the Advantage application ROM. It was written by Sherman Lowell. Please see file SPFNS1T for additional remarks and references. The ELFNCS file contains programs which compute all of the principal elliptic integrals and Jacobian elliptic functions. LBL"K" (local LBL A) expects the modulus k in the X-register and returns the Complete Elliptic Integrals, K(k) and E(k), in the X- and Y-registers, respectively. LBL"SN" (local LBL B) expects u (in degrees) in Y-register and k, the modulus, in X-register; it returns the four Jacobi elliptic functions: sn(u,k) in X- register, cn(u,k) in Y-register, dn(u,k) in Z-register, and Zeta function Z(u,k) in T-register. LBL"ELINT1" and LBL"ELINT2" expect phi and alpha (both in degrees) in Y- and X-registers and return the value of the Incomplete Elliptic Integrals of First and Second Kind in X-register. LBL"ELINT3" expects phi, alpha, and parameter n in Z, Y, X and returns the value of the Incomplete Elliptic Integral of the Third Kind in X-register. They may also be accessed by local labels C, D, and E in USER mode. LBL"ROOT" is a subroutine called by the Advantage ROM function INTEG to evaluate integrands in the elliptic integral routines. It is necessary to set SIZE > 020 to use these programs. Accuracy of the routines is high because of the arithmetic-geometric mean algorithm used by all of the labels. The number of correct digits in the result can be selected by choice of Display Mode; this also affects runtime. If you encounter any difficulties with these programs, please contact the author (see file SPFNS1T.) X<>Y