^ma 1 56 ^pl 0 ^ju ^ceXTOA and ATOX ^ju^sk3These two functions are excellent for speedily packing and unpacking data; six values can be stored in one register without synthetic programming or machine code. Three programs are given. ^meEXPAND ^sk1LOADD ^meNORMAL ^sk1To store initially the data in one or more registers. In the example given six values are stored in R00. If more than six values are stored then ASTO 00 ASHF ASTO01 etc. Other registers can be used instead. ^meEXPAND ^sk1LOOPD ^meNORMAL ^sk1At least three loop controls can be stored in one register; if one of the parameters is common to all the loops the five or six lops can be stored in one register. The program assumes a value in the X register to obtain the correct loop. ^sk1 For example with the values 4,10,3,11,13 and 21 stored in the alpha register, the values of 0,2 and 4 in the X register produce the loop controls 4.010, 3.011 and 13.021. ^meEXPAND ^sk1MOVING AVERAGES ^meNORMAL ^sk1A twenty four day movung average can be stored in four registers. There is a considerable saving when several moving averages are stored. Should you want to store a value outside the range 0 to 255 subtract some number to produce a number in this range. If you want a moving average of the FT30 index, subtract 1600 from 1752 (24th August 1987) to give 152. Should the index approachh 1600 or 1850 you should add or subtract say 150 from each stored value. ^sk1Negative values are stored as though they were positive. Values above 255 produce DATA ERROR. ^sk1In the example the ten day moving average is calculated with the initial values of 65 to 74 stored in R00 and R01 and the moving total in R02. These numbers have been chosen so that they appear as leters and not boxed stars, and without scrolling. ^sk1To initialise use the LOADD program, clear R02 and insert STO +02 between lines 06 and 07. ABCDEFGHIJ will be in Alpha and 695 in R02. ^co^sk1 75 XEQ MAD BCDEFGHIJK 705 70.5 76 XEQ MAD CDEFGHIJKL 715 71.5 77 XEQ MAD DEFGHIJKLM 725 72.5 78 XEQ MAD EFGHIJKLMN 735 73.5 ^co^sk1[M. F. Moore #375]