MAXSIZE - for HP71 Textfiles MAXSIZE needs TEXTUTIL or EDLEX for line 103. If you do not have either of these lexfiles then send me an sae for a hexdump which you can turn into a lexfile using MAKELX2 (V7N1P28). If you include a card, tape or disc I will record it for you. When working with HP71 textfiles I frequently find it useful to know the maximum width and length of the file. MAXSIZE allows me to determine those values. Using MAXSIZE is simple - just RUN it and at the prompt enter the textfile name and key ENDLINE. The program will process the textfile and report the file length, and the line number, length and content of the longest line and then prompt you for another textfile name. Keying ENDLINE without entering a filename will terminate program usage. 100 ! MAXSIZE 101 DESTROY ALL @ STD @ DIM Q$[96],Z$[96] 102 BEEP 200 @ INPUT "File ? ";F$ @ IF F$="" THEN 110 103 Q=FILESZR(F$) @ DISP "File length =";Q @ WAIT 1 104 ASSIGN #1 TO F$ @ FOR I=1 TO Q 105 READ #1;Q$ @ L=LEN(Q$) @ IF L>Z1 THEN Z0=I @ Z1=L @ Z$=Q$ 106 NEXT I @ ASSIGN #1 TO * 107 DISP "Max Line No =";Z0 @ WAIT 1 108 DISP "Max Line Len =";Z1 @ WAIT 1 109 DISP "Max Line Text = ";Z$ @ WAIT 5 @ GOTO 102 110 FIX 2 @ BEEP 800 @ PUT "#43" @ END Mark Cracknell [#129A]