Recall M Set up for the call to locate a buffer Call to locate buffer Restore C to the new contents for the DF buffer Write to the buffer Finally go to the PACKEYS routine This part of the code locates the assignment registers Load address of bottom of user registers Store in A Start the loop-increment address Select chip 0 Get address of .END. Is address less than the END address No-exit to see whether this happened on the first pass Yes-address to C Restore A Select this register Read it Increment MS nibble If an assignment register carry will be set Else check whether this is the first pass Yes it is then go to error NONEXISTENT No-but it does mean that we have counted the registers Clear the first pass flag Continue the loop Calculate number of assignment registers Move it Load the header Move it Load bottom address Store in N Return Exit to NONEXISTENT routine Main routine for STOKEYS Call to find if there is a working data file Call to find out how much space in file Call to locate assignment registers Go to part of STOBUFF main routine