STARTREK ======== There cannot be anyone in the Western World who watches television or the movies who has not heard of STAR TREK. Here in England it has been shown on BBC TV every autumn since 1970, at least every autumn that I can remember. It is the one sci-fi series that has not aged. The ENTERPRISE may not have state-of-the-art controls but after going where no man has gone before for close on 20 years that is hardly surprising. Enough of that - On with the Simulation! As Admiral in command of a Starship you have as your crew the officers and crew of the Starship ENTERPRISE. Indeed you might even be in command of the Starship ENTERPRISE. After entering the command RUN STARTREK you have to respond to the questions asked of you by MR SPOCK and the other officers and be ready to react to all sorts of situations. A menu of commands is available to aid you in your mission. Honours will be the reward of success and utter disgrace awaits you if you fail ... so ... GOOD LUCK ! =========== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The HP71 version presented here is an adaption of an HP75 game titled STRFLTWR, written by JOHN F. HERLOCKER sometime in 1983, which is to be found on CHHU 06 as a LIF file. I have adapted it for use on an HP71 and have revised the style of output to suit the Mountain Computer 80 col Video Interface as well as my own tastes. This version also requires the use of a keyword RTRIM$ from the lexfile STRINGLX. You should find a copy of STRINGLX elsewhwere on this disc. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did. If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Mark Cracknell, 6 Stratton Mews, Off South Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 8NT, England. [0525-383265]