SYDMELEX - Source code & documentation, HP-71 LEX files from Sydney & Melbourne LEX files : KEYCHRLX, FLTYPELX, FILELEX, MSGLEX, MCOPYLEX, MAKFILEX, NRLX71, DATELX71, CRPTLX71, BUFSTO10, MISCLEX1, TFLAGS, HORNER Documentation & source code : SYDMELEX. Some of the documentation & source code found in SYDMELEX is apparently duplicated elsewhere on SWAP07. However, some source code is found ONLY in SYDMELEX. Description: The subject Language EXtension files add many new features to HP71 BASIC : -- KEYCHRLX provides enhanced control for keyboard inputs. Improved KEYWAIT$. Allows controlled multi-keycode response of 1 to 15 key counts. G. Fraser. -- FLTYPELX : Enhances DATACOMM ROM keyword FTYPE$ to allow for mass storage or other device specifiers. Determines file type. Graham Fraser. -- FILELEX : Enhances JPCLEX keyword FILE? to implement the Invalid Filespec and Device Not Found errors. G.B. Fraser. -- MSGLEX : Modified version of HP's MSG$, returns error if arg.>255255. G.F. -- MCOPYLEX : Copies blocks of information from one mass storage device to another. Uses all available memory as a buffer. No error checking, could use any source or destination device type-- could use external keyboard as source By Nigel Davies. -- MAKFILES : Creates HP-71 file from hex code. See file MAKEFILE for how-to. By Ian Harvey. -- NRLX71 : Provides functions for rounding numbers up, down or near. I. Harvey -- DATELX71 : Has keywords for manipulating date information numerically. I.H. -- CPRTLX71 : Displays copyright message. Zaps CHARSET buffer. Ian Harvey. -- BUFSTO10 : provides 10 buffers in which you can store strings containing information. This info can of course be recalled. It is protected from DESTROY ALL. Various applications. Jack Elhay. -- MISCLEX71 : This file provides keywords that give greater control over the EOL string. You can now set the three character string, and then specify how many characters are actually used (0, 2 or 3). Default is CR LF LF, which gives a convenient toggle between single and double spacing of lines. Nice. Also provides a function to convert numbers into integer strings, & a keyword to determine the DIMensions of numerical & string arrays & matrices. J.Elhay. -- TFLAGS : a flag toggling routine. Easier to use. Jack Elhay. -- HORNER : provides a keyword that makes evaluating polynomials (up to degree 13) very easy. Much better than writing an equivalent BASIC routine! J.Elhay NOTE: These files have been submittes to JPC for inclusion in JPCLEX. MAKEFILE : A program that creates HP-71 files from HEX listings.