FIX5F -- FIX 5 FORTH/ASSEMBLER ROM BUGS & OTHER ENHANCEMENTS BY J.R. BAKER - for HP-71 assembly programmers Documentation: FIX5F, with sample source code file CLOCKT, and separate EQUates file CLOCKEQU Run-time code : ASMFORTH Description : This FORTHRAM file fixes various FORTH/ASSEMBLER ROM bugs. In addition, it provides compatibility with the Iapetus (HP-200) assembler and with Handheld Product's SASM assembler. Effectively, it allows you to assemble the source code files used with these assemblers. See the INDWRITH file which provides information on various related SWAP07 files. Finally, it support a new pseudo-op RDSYMB, which allows you to keep your EQUates in a separate mass storage file. NOTE: you should be able to have up to 5 RDSYMB pseudo-op following the TITLE line. RDSYMB MUST FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TITLE LINE ! Will not work if there is any code to be assembled ahead of a RDSYMB line. WARNING: HEADER CODE MUST BE VALID, OR CRASH WILL FOLLOW ASSEMBLY