BAR71 - produce HP-41 barcode with an HP-71, by Michael Markov BAR71A - somewhat faster version, uses BINLEX6S or MMLEXV04 BAR713 - adaptation by Eric Gengoux, Paris Chapter, that uses only JPCLEX. BAR713T - BAR713 in TEXT form Documentation : See BAR75C, CHHU Chronicle V3N1P16, or BAR75DOC (CHHU03), or BAR71ART (SWAP07). BAR71A uses the REPLACE$ (JPCLEX), ATBIN$ and BTA$ keywords to provide better flexibity in generating a barcode "bit pattern" and converting same into a graphic representation suitable for printers. See also REPLEXS (CHHU05), or CCV2N7. BINLEX keywords are available in BINLEX6S or MMLEXV04. Eventually, with plenty of RAM, ATBIN$ & BTA$ will allow us to control the width of barcode bars in row graphic (HP) mode exactly as on EPSON printers. This could also facilitate LaserJet (or other) versions with very high resolution capability, thus permitting super-compact barcode. Whenever somebody else does it: I do not have a LaserJet... Both BAR71 and BAR71A use the "KEYWAIT", "STRINGLX", "DIRLEX" & "PILEXTL4" files DIRLEX was posted on the CHHU BBS. It can be replaced by HEXLEX7, which is available on both the SWAP7 and CHHU04 swapdisk. The TAPESTAT keyword from J.R. Baker's PILEXTL4 file can be replaced with WAIT 50. This gives a tape or disk drive time to position the read head to any target sector. Alternatively, you could use SPOLL to determine whether the drive is still busy.... The powerfull syntax of the HP71 HPIL ROM allows the following responses to the prompt "Filename? ": -- "aBURN41" -- " aBURN41:TAPE(2)" -- "aBURN41:3:2" If no device specifier is given, "TAPE(1):1" is used as a default. This program supports multi-loop operations. Note : these programs have NOT been optimized for speed or memory useage. There is lots of room for improvement, possibly using DOT2DOT$, or a close equivalent...