FRUIT MACHINE GAME - by Brian Ward A nice little game for all those who can afford to throw money away (let's face it, if you can afford HP machines, that means you!). The game consists of 3 programs - Fruit, Nudge and Hold. It is in these three parts because it is the most straightforward way to prevent those tempting little extra holds and nudges when you're losing badly! The main program, Fruit, contains many simplifications, mainly to reduce execution time, such as all 3 of the reels are identical and contain only ten symbols with no duplication. The main thing is that it plays like the real thing except maybe it doesn't rip you off as badly as some pub machines. To run the program you're going to need at least one memory module, Extended Functions and a wee bit of Synthetic Programming. (These last two are not essential and with a little bit of work you could do without since SP is only used for Tones and the reel symbols and X functions to save a few lines and make it more user friendly). In operation the top row of keys is used. Uses are as follows:- 'A'-Nudge/Hold reel 1 'B'-N/H reel 2 'C'-N/H reel 3 'D'-Hold Cancel 'E'-Spin Size=018 SP lines are:- Tone 89 - Fruit lines 80 & 81, Hold lines 09 & 17 Nudge - line 10 Tone 73, line 11 Tone 72 Fruit - lines 18, 26 & 30 are SP text ; they can also be made with XTOA, or substitute your own symbols. line 30 is purely to create a boxed star in the display. To run, load the program, execute, and it should ask you for a seed for the random number generator (don't use PI, it is a simple generator designed for speed). Put in a number from 0-1, R/S and it should show you your winnings, followed by displaying the reels and inviting you to SPIN, press the 'LN' key and off you go. If HOLD is displayed instead of SPIN, and you wish to hold press the key underneath the reel. The appropriate display flag should come on. To cancel, press the LOG key and reenter your choice. When you have held all you want press 'LN', the Spin key. Your chosen reels will be held. If you get NUDGES it will randomly give you between 2 and 10 nudges. To nudge, press the key underneath the reel you wish, once for each nudge. Note if during a nudge a winning combination is displayed, you will win the appropriate prize and any remaining nudges will be forfeit.