DATA FLOW INSIDE THE HP82161A DRIVE LOOP TAPE : : :--->DDL5 (FORMAT)---------------->:-HEX 255->: : : :--->DDL8 (Close Sector) --------->:--------->: :--->DDL0-->: :--DDL0--->: :--->DDL2-->: Buffer 0 (256 bytes) :--DDL2--->: : : ____________________ : : :<---DDT0<--:-____________________-:<-DDTO<---: :<---DDT2<--: ^ | ^ :<-DDT2<---: : | | | : |--. DDL9 DDL10 : | | or or : | | DDT5 DDT4 :--->DDL1-->: v | v v : : ____________________ :<---DDT1<--:-____________________: : Buffer 1 (256 bytes) : | : | :--->DDL3----------->| :--->DDL4----------. | : ___ :<---DDT3<-------:-___:Position Pointer (3 bytes) : ||'--Byte#3: Byte pntr: (0-255) : |'---Byte#2: Sector pntr. (0-255) : '----Byte#1: Track pntr. (0 or 1) : NOTE: For other HP-IL drives byte#1 may be > than 1 : All drives pointers work as above, even if the : physical # of tracks or sectors/track is different. : : : Drive Status & Identification : :<---SST (Send Status Byte). See pg.11 Owner's Manual : Used by INSTAT function : :<---SAI (Send Accessory Id byte) Byte value is 16. : This is the ONLY way to identify the drive : Used by AID, FINDAID. : : Other Drives: :<---SDI (Send Device ID) Example: HP9114A : Used by ID, FINDID. : :<--DDT7 Maximum Sector (End of Medium) : :<--DDT6 Send Physical Attributes NOTE:The drive also responds to several other HP-IL messages. These messages can be used to clear the drive, put it in a low power consumption mode, and more. These messages mostly concern basic features common to all HP-IL devices. These features are described in great detail in "THE HP-IL SYSTEM: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE" by Gerry Kane, Steve Harper & David Ushijima (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)