Posted: Sat Dec 27, 1986 10:17 PM PST Msg: DGIG-2510-7655 From: CHHU To: CHHU Subj: CHHU ROM Calendar program Did y'all see Dennis' CALNDR program? Good stuff! Too bad the '71 does not have better time/calendar functions in it. But the CHHU ROM (if it includes CLKCALFN) will! Here's a program similar to Dennis', but it does not do it in 3 columns. (That could be added easily enough). It is just an example of how much shorter (!) a BASIC program can be with the right LEXfiles in place. By the way, it's FAST too; if you set PRINTER IS DISPLAY, you can dump a whole year's calendar to the CRT in 22 seconds! exit ^-whoops... Joseph K. Horn [-D 10 ! CHHU ROM CALENDAR PROGRAM 20 INPUT "Year? ";Y 30 PRINT CENTER$(STR$(Y),20) 40 FOR M=1 TO 12 50 PRINT @ PRINT CENTER$(MONTH$(M),20) 60 PRINT SMTWTFS$[3] 70 FOR W=1 TO WEEK(Y,M) 80 PRINT REPLACE$(REPLACE$(WEEK$(Y,M,W),"*"," ")," 0"," ")[3] 90 NEXT W @ NEXT M @ END Line 80 could be replaced by PRINT WEEK$(Y,M,W) if you don't mind ** where blank dates go, and leading zeros on dates less than 10. But I hate 'em, so the REPLACE$'s get rid of 'em. Happy New Year!