September 11, 1985 Dear Richard, I haven't written to you for quite a long time - too long, judg- ing from the amount of material I have accumulated. First news from Finnish user community. The name of our club has been changed from PPC Finland to STaK (an acronym from words meaning Finnish Pocket Computer Club - but the similarity with "stack" isn't exactly accidental). At the moment there are some 40 members, and we are publishing a small journal (second issue forthcoming; I am acting as the editor for the time being). We would like to be considered an "Affiliated Club" of CHHU - please send any mail for STaK to my address. Looking at that "WHAT CAN YOU DO?" -list in your August 13th let- ter: Financially I can't help you much; my budget has been rather low after I bought a HP71+some modules+ThinkJet+Disc Drive. (For those who sigh "wish I were rich too": I'm not. I'm just crazy: I live with less than $250 a month, including rent etc., but exclu- ding HP stuff - I literally don't spread butter on my bread. It's just a matter of priorities.) I'll enclose a $90.- cheque, how- ever, for renewal and two (2) sets of the 71 FORTH IDS. As for getting new members, I can at least ensure all STaK mem- bers know about CHHU. Advertising should be much easier if - no, WHEN the Chronicle begins catching up with schedule. One thing I can do is submitting articles and programs. Going through my files looking for suitable material I realized I hadn't submitted anything to PPC or CHHU for more than a year - probably because of some subconscious reluctance resulting from the "PPC Affair". Consequently I found quite a few programs and ideas worth writing up - the enclosed didn't exhaust my list (which keeps growing all the time anyway). Next I'll try to get our local journal out, then I may write something up for you again. The enclosed disc contains not only the programs but write-ups as well, even this letter (file LETTER) as 71 TEXT (LIF1) files, so you can reprint any of them if necessary (there are non-ASCII characters in my address, only). A brief description of what's in there: BTIMI is a 71 BASIC instruction timing program, more amusing than useful, but it demonstrates some rather exotic techniques nicely. There is no separate writeup, but it's rather heavily commented. COMBILEX and HMSLEX are my first 71 LEX files that do something useful. COMBILXT and HMSLEXT are their respective source codes. Nothing very fancy there, and I'm quite sure they could be impro- ved; but at least they seem to work. EED is the only 41 program there; EEDDOCU is its documentation. It is my effort to add to ED features I found necessary. FACTORS is a 71 BASIC factorization program, FACTORDOCU asso- ciated article. CAT is an effort to improve 71's CAT ALL (mainly by providing purging and saving files with single keys). Again, there is no separate writeup but hopefully enough comments. DIMS provides SUBs for determining array and string dimensions. It would need more comments, there are barely enough for using them. FLIB and VCAT contain some FORTH utilities. Note that VCAT uses some words in FLIB so these should be published together. FINDIDBUG, DELAYBUG and FORTHBUG contain descriptions of and sug- gested fixes for some bugs, for the OOPS column. TIDBITS should be suggestive enough of a name. They're all about the 71, so maybe the TITAN file would be the right place for them. (Incidentally, feel free to cut off anything that won't fit or duplicates another contribution.) Nothing more on that disc. One more thing. I don't have enough time to take on any major project, but one in which I'd very much like to participate in is the 71 ROM. You mentioned that ROM programmers are using Telenet "Bulletin Board" with modems. Now I don't have a modem (not even a phone, in fact), and I couldn't afford the phone bills anyway, so I must find another way to participate. Perhaps someone out there could act as my contact with the ROM team (like, exchanging discs)? I have lots of ideas for the ROM, and some LEX files in the works. I'll try to put some ideas on paper as soon as pos- sible. Tapani Tarvainen [337] Kiljanderinkatu 2 A 7 SF-40600 JyvÌskylÌ Finland