SWAPTAPE PROGRAM RULES 1. Material you may contribute includes a) Public Domain material or b) material to which you hold Copyright, free of any lien -- In other words, you wrote the material contributed, and no one else has exclusive rights to it. 2. The author / contributor authorizes participants in the SWAPTAPE PROGRAM to reproduce the material contributed for distribution within the user community, for PERSONAL NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. 3. Copyrights shall remain with the author, unless the material is specifically placed in the public domain. 4. Participants agree to accept all "Swaptape" material "AS IS", with the clear understanding that neither the contributor, nor any other "SWAPTAPE PROGRAM" participant shall be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, use or performance of Swaptape material. User accepts and uses Swaptape material AT HIS OWN RISK, in reliance solely upon his own inspection of the swaptape material and without reliance upon any representation or description concerning the material. 5. Participants shall be expected to cover the cost of providing the copy of swaptape material they request. The prefered method shall be providing formatted mass storage media & suitable Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes (SASE) to the person or persons who reproduce said material for their benefit. The material shall be (Mass)copied from a Swaptape Master Copy onto the media provided by User, which shall then be promptly be returned to User in the SASE he provides. Any other arrangements shall be the sole concern of the persons who agree to such other arrangements. 6. Participants who volunteer to make copies for other Users agree to make said copies expeditiously, on a "best effort" basis, WITHOUT ANY GUARANTEE AS TO PERFORMANCE. On writen request by owner, the mass storage media provided shall be returned to Owner, with or without Swaptape material, within 5 days. (There may be some problems). HOWEVER: 7. People who agree to reproduce Swaptape material for others SHALL NOT BE LIABLE for media that are damaged or lost in the mail. 8. Participants agree NOT to contact the manufacturer(s) with respect to any NOMAS (Not MAnufacturer Supported) material that may appear on a Swaptape. 9. (OPTIONAL) Contributors are asked to use only UPPERCASE A-Z, 0-9 for mass storage filenames. The first character should NOT be 0-9. Please DO NOT use any special characters or spaces in the filenames. 10. (OPTIONAL) Documentation file should all be "Interchange" files. Files with embedded text formatter commands are welcomed. If you format the file yourself, set the left margin to column 1 and use FILL mode to minimize memory requirements. There should be 66 characters per line, including spaces. You should not use escape sequences inside the documentation files, since non-HP printers are often used. -1- SWAPTAPE VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM Name:________________________________ CHHU#_____ PPC#_____ Permanent Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone number : _______________________ Work _______________________ Home I would like to help make copies of "Swaptapes", and hereby agree to the terms set forth in the CHHU Chronicle. I am offering my services as: [__] a private individual, [__] the duly authorized representative of the [__] Chapter / [__] Affiliated User Group / [__] Organization named below: Name of organization: ______________________________________________________ MASS COPY CAPABILITY: I /We own or have access to : [__] Number of HP9114 Disc drives [__] Number of Steinmetz & Brown Disc Drives [__] Number of HP82161A Cassette Drives [__] Other: ___________________________________________ I /We can make up to ____ sets of copies of future Swaptapes. Signature:____________________________ Date:____________ -2-