File LOGOTJ Not Found Dear Swaptape Volunteer: Some things always take more time than expected!. This swapdisk should have been out in early December, but problems developed & I am now almost a month late. Sorry! I would like to mention a few of the programs since they should help you make copies for other users, and to print the contents of Interchange (LIF1, ASCII, TEXT-71) files: 1. MCOPY71A, MCOPY71B, MCOPY75, MCOPY41-- these programs will allow you to make mass copies of disks more efficiently, since data is transfered byte for byte, avoiding problems that may arise with the HP MCOPY functions. MCOPY75 is very crude at this stage, I plan several improvements. Documentation for MCOPY41 should soon be published in the CHHU Chronicle. MCOPY41 (by Micth Hoselton) works almost exactly like MCOPY71B (disk drives only) 2. DDCOPY -- This HP-71 program, with EXTFILES or EXTFL80, will allow you to copy files from disk to tape (or vice-versa) without overwriting existing files. DDCOPY could be easily modified to transfer only HP-41 files: The routine that saves the file names in a text file could store the file names in several different files, using the 12th byte of the directory entry to determine the proper destination. See DIRALL71. EXTFILES is copyright Jan Buitenhuis. It should be available from CHHU in the not too distant future. In the future, it should be possible to sort the various files alhabetically, and more. The problem is finding enough free time to tackle ALL the projects I am interested in! Finally, If any one does not have enough memory to print out Interchange files by normal means, take a look at CPMM, PRINTEXT & PRTEXT75. These programs allow you to print the file line by line, reading each line from a mass storage medium, and printing same on any (80 col.) printer. Also, for your information, SWAPPROP is the final version of the swaptape proposal, to be published in the CHHU Chronicle, and SWPRULEF provides an abreviated summary of the SWAPTAPE rules. SWAP85SF is an annotated directory listing for the swapdisk, it gives credits to authors and / or documentation source... My thanks to the PPC-Toulouse & Italian user groups for their contributions, and to all the individual contributors whose work makes this project possible. I strongly recommend that you mark each copy made with "FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY", and with the standard "Cowardly Disclaimers" -- see SWPRULEF. This should provide adequate protections for SWAPTAPE volunteers. I will quit now, or this package will be delayed another day! Merry XMAS & Happy New Year, Michael Markov P.S. I now have a copy of the disk Tapani Tarvainen sent to Richard, and more good stuff from France (almost all HP-71 stuff, very good.) I will gladly make copies for you, as soon as possible. I will soon have a second HP-9114 disk drive, and I should therefore be able to avoid the delays that have plagued us in the past. The CHHU ROM project should soon be in full swing. I would like to help by helping distribute the material posted on the ROM bulletin board. Since I have not (yet) been able to get a private line for my modem, I need help from someone who is on-line. Brian Walsh -- can you perhaps help? This should help get more people involved. I would be willing to send out a new ROM PROJECT DISK every month, if people get the material to me. Also, people without modems could send material to me, and I would forward it to Brian / other CHHU ROM project coordinators, to be posted on the board...